Estate management and independent financial advice for clients in Glasgow and across Scotland
Estate management and independent financial advice for clients in Glasgow and across Scotland
We monitor and review your investments on an ongoing basis, to ensure that they remain consistent with your goals, and any changes in your attitude to investment risk.
It is generally assumed that only cash is 100% safe, though the events of past years have sometimes tested even that assumption! Of course, the problem with holding cash is that interest rates are often so poor that real returns to investors can be low or even non-existent. Nevertheless, we believe that most investors should retain a significant proportion of their wealth in cash, for security and access.
Inflation however is one great enemy of investors, and it is generally considered sensible to invest more widely, in assets with the potential to achieve rates of return above inflation. Beware of the temptation to invest on the assumption that the past performance of an investment fund will necessarily continue. There are many factors to consider, and it is wise to diversify investments in order to spread risk – which is always present to some degree.
In our role as Independent Financial Advisers, we will help you to select suitable investments, to assist you in meeting your objectives. You should give careful thought as to what those objectives are; sensible investment planning begins with clearly understanding your investment aims.

Our clients come from many different backgrounds and have a very diverse range of financial needs
We do not have set parameters for working with us, from the smallest personal investment or piece of financial advice through to large corporate investment strategy we engage with all clients with the same level of enthusiasm and professionalism.
A client for us is a very valued relationship and clients very quickly begin to feel and understand this when they first speak to us.
Becoming a Riverpark client is, we believe, one of the most important financial decisions you could make.