Independent corporate and business advice for clients in Glasgow and across Scotland
Independent corporate and business advice for clients in Glasgow and across Scotland
Our corporate advisers and administrators are based in Glasgow and across Scotland, have a wealth of experience, and are always happy to help.
What would happen to your business were you to lose a partner or major shareholder? What problems would arise in the event that a major figure in your company either died or suffered a critical illness? Do you relish the prospect of a late partner’s spouse being influential in the business?
Sadly, a great many businesses are ruined each year by the failure to address such vital questions in advance.
We can help protect you and your colleagues by arranging shareholder/partnership protection. The cost is minimal compared to the potential benefit and peace of mind.
Corporate advice can be as multifaceted as business itself – yet what we see most frequently is a lack of the most basic planning.

Our clients come from many different backgrounds and have a very diverse range of financial needs
We do not have set parameters for working with us, from the smallest personal investment or piece of financial advice through to large corporate investment strategy we engage with all clients with the same level of enthusiasm and professionalism.
A client for us is a very valued relationship and clients very quickly begin to feel and understand this when they first speak to us.
Becoming a Riverpark client is, we believe, one of the most important financial decisions you could make.