Financial advice
Financial advice
you can trust
you can trust
Riverpark was formed in Glasgow over twenty years ago with the aim of offering the very best independent financial and investment advice to commercial and domestic clients alike. With the financial marketplace constantly changing, our advisers can help you to keep on top of your financial affairs.
Financial matters can be complex; it is important to make the right decisions
Riverpark was formed by a group of very experienced people. The principals of the business are Mr Stuart McGeoch, Mr Tom Mooney, Mr Iain McDonald and Mrs Lesley Logan.
We are a large enough firm to have a very wide range of knowledge in-house plus the professional connections to refer any highly technical requirements to the correct specialists. We haven’t lost the personal touch however – you can call direct at any time, and speak with our advisers or our friendly admin staff.
All our financial advisers obtain an annual Statement of Professional Standing. This confirms that they are suitably qualified, that they subscribe to a code of ethics and that they have kept their knowledge up-to-date through continuing professional development.

We are a team of advisors who you will learn to trust and will develop lifelong relationships with
Knowing about you and understanding what you do and what you expect is part of the initial process we go through with every client. It is vital that we feel we know exactly what you are trying to achieve and that we match any advice to help maximise the best possible outcome for you.
We have been working with clients now for many years, seen their personal situations change and develop and been there at significant points in their life. Many of these relationships are now passing onto client siblings as the family continue their journey with us.
A lifelong relationship with Riverpark is something we strive to achieve with all of our clients. Deep levels of trust and a high degree of understanding ensure that when that crucial piece of advice is sought we are there for you and ready to help. We like our clients and they like us.
“I have developed a strong relationship with Riverpark advisers over the years, and have found them to be professional at all times, constantly working towards delivering the right outcomes for their clients.”
“I have developed a strong relationship with Riverpark advisers over the years, and have found them to be professional at all times, constantly working towards delivering the right outcomes for their clients.”
Louisa Ritchie – Legal & General
Louisa Ritchie – Legal & General